
When We're Feeling Stuck

There’s a plant in my office that flowered last year in April. But it surprised me by flowering just now, in mid January. It’s been thriving with fertilizer, light and enough water. All the support. But still, it’s a bit of a mystery of when or how the flower will arrive. That’s the unknown.

Our brain, as evolved in our critical thinking as it might be, does not like unknowns.  What, when, how, why, if?  Those are the questions that keep us up at night.  To not know might even feel like defeat or a failure.  

However, when addressing any issue there are three pieces of the puzzle at hand:

What we know we know.

What we know we don’t know.

What we don’t know we don’t know.

To embark on a journey of discovery, it requires the willingness to move beyond what we have always done - what we don’t know we don’t know.  This is where our best learning and growth occurs.   

Embracing unchartered territory is a threshold to wonderment and miracles.  It also might feel the most risky.  But it’s assuredly the most rewarding.   

Most people when faced with a challenge intuitively know they have to be willing to dip a toe into the unknown in order to break free.  Sometimes we call this place “hitting rock bottom.”  Or maybe it’s the nagging thought that’s quietly saying, “something’s not quite right.”  

We know we are ready for something different, even if we don’t know… 

What the journey will look like.

How the journey will go.

Who we will be afterwards. 

And all of those unknowns - they are actually so very important to the process.  It leaves one open to discovery - the rocket fuel of success and evolution.

The liminal space I offer folks is deeply rooted in the discovery of what we don't know we don't know and encourages creative, upper level thinking.  This is where profound transformation and integrated learning become possible. 

From a recent client: 

"I've always been one to overthink, overanalyze, and over-judge.  Amanda's work really served to move me out of my mind and more into my body, allowing me to be more present, both emotionally and physically. It was hard for me to open up initially, but Amanda was so patient, kind, and accepting. She created a safe space for me to share my emotions and work through the things holding me back. I'm so extremely grateful for our time.”

- S.S.

Maybe you can relate to this overthinking?  I know I can.  My invitation to you is to consider where you might be thinking you have to have everything all figured out before taking a step.   And what would it look like to surrender (even just a bit) to the unknown?


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Part 1: How Somatic Sex Education Helps Couples [With 4 Magic Words]

A Story

2 months ago, my partner, Ryan and I took on a project to transform our unused, unfinished storage space into a place for friends and somatic sex education workshops

There were late nights of gathering materials - flooring, paint, ceiling decor.  Trips to borrow tools from friends.  We finally set a date to begin the work.  I was ready to go!  I expertly organized the troops - my kids - who was doing what, what needed to go where and feeding everyone, besides.  And often, even after we said we were done for the day, we kept going.  

Two weekends of this and I could feel the disconnection between Ryan and I creeping in…

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What Is Somatic Sex Education?


What Is Somatic Sex Education?

While the title of this burgeoning profession might conjure up the sense of a sterile sort of sex education, or maybe something like surrogacy partner therapy, I assure you it is neither.

Those of us who hold the certification of Somatic Sex Educator are often met with blank stares, or a barrage of questions.  “What does ‘somatic’ mean?  Do you work with trauma?  Are you a sex therapist? What does a Somatic Sex Educator actually do?”  

All such welcome questions and all completely normal…



Play More

We were at the beach for the full moon, and started messing around, (which pretty much looks like me turning into a spider monkey ;) so we hit “record” and here’s what happened…

We just played… for 10 whole minutes...


Why Tips and Techniques Are Not Enough

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Why Tips and Techniques Are Not Enough

Most people come to see me because they think something needs to be fixed - their libido is too low, they orgasm too fast or not at all, they don’t feel good about their desires, they suffer from sexual trauma or maybe they’re just really dissatisfied with their sex life.

The marketing experts say that I need to talk about the issues I support people with as my clients would talk about them.

And while that’s true and helpful, it’s just not enough…

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Erotic Breath Practice

Sleepless nights...nauseous stomach...worry, endless thinking.  

Basically this is me when I fall into what I call “anxiety mess mode.”  It’s a place of forgetting - my deep love of life and my connection to all that is.  

Especially my connection to my own body and senses. 

I’ve been working with a breath practice - an “erotic” breath…


3-Step Path for Greater Sexual Confidence. 

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3-Step Path for Greater Sexual Confidence. 

I recently created something that I wanted to share with you.  It’s a 3-Step Path for Greater Sexual Confidence.  My sincere hope is that it will help you to start creating the intimate life you are seeking.  Because who doesn't want more love and connection?

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