Temple Of Embodied Connection:

An Immersive Workshop to Learn and Practice Intimacy Skills

Sunday, July 7th, 10 am - 2 pm

Facilitated by Amanda Wattie & Tom Wooding


Intimate relationships can feel heavy, sticky and impossible.

What is needed is a practical approach that protects your physical and emotional well-being, while giving permission to playfully explore and experiment with the skills needed to navigate conflict, express needs & desires, attract a partner and experience fulfilling intimacy.

And we offer that unique space.

Conflicts can take on a life of their own and dominate the relationship. The demands of life cause our intimate relationships to be reduced to business arrangements that leave us less than satisfied. 

Some have experienced chaos from previous relationships betrayals, mismatch of values, lack of skill by one or both and are cautious about opening up again.   

Growth stagnates, attraction fades, business takes over as the normal way of the relating and so the story goes. 

Is there more? How can I get a spark back, feel turned on about my life, my partner or a future partner?

There are books to read, courses to take, podcasts to listen to.  Sometimes there is useful information, however, the information is just that, information. 

What’s needed is an environment that values relating as an action - not just intellectual understanding - an embodied awareness that facilitates communication clearly and cleanly between people. A space that gives permission and encourages practices that awaken the spark of aliveness.

This is for you if:

You want to give yourself permission to have the sex, love, connection you’ve always wanted to have

You want to feel more

You want to grow with your partner

You want to feel confident attracting the right partner

You want to be skilled building more passion & sexual attraction

You want to learn in nurturing and warm environment

?You want to feel unlocked around navigating upsets and conflicts

You want to transform your upsets into opportunities for deeper intimacy

You want to feel more confident creating relationships that feel alive, authentic and playful

About Temple:

This temple is being created for you to cultivate clarity of purpose, presence, honesty, connection and compassion.     

This is a practice - the fruit of our labor that we wish to share.  This is a fusion of Tom and Amanda’s work that is rooted in somatic awareness, relational practices and playful exploration. 

It is our intention that this offering resources your expansion and that you experience more intimacy in your life.

Together we will create a container of resonance that supports building polarity and disrupting un-useful patterns. 

Finally, we will take time to integrate all that arises back into your life.

Please note: Sexual touch and nudity are not part of this program.

*Intimate disclaimer - this has been one of the most challenging things we have ever done - to craft an offering description together and then put it in words that people will actually understand; this has been no small feat. So please do reach out with questions should you find anything here unclear, and we will do our best to clarify.


Facilitators Amanda Wattie and Tom Wooding place healing at the center of their relationship and from there, open an amplified erotic field where all that wishes to heal can naturally arise in the presence of love.

Our attitude is that of being a curious, open, accepting, and loving witness, that welcomes each and every part of you.
