Hi, I’m Amanda…

meaning “beloved.”

I have always questioned everything.  My first existential experience of this was when I was in grammar school, walking down the huge hallway to the lavatory.  As I opened the door, I remember wondering if we were all just dolls in a dollhouse being moved by some invisible force. 

After that, nothing looked quite the same.  I was nine. 

I started asking the minister questions at church.  People thought this was cute, my mom thought I would become a nun, and I was completely serious. 

I wanted to know God.

In sophomore year of high school, my best friend moved to Hawaii and sent me a package with a book by Ken Carey.  It was a channeled message, from a voice that instructed him to write. 

After that, I spent a lot of time with my bedroom window open, even in the dead of winter, looking out into the night sky and opening myself to all that limitlessness.  I knew that I too could listen.

I started to experience synchronicities, always being in the right place at the right time.  And I just kept trusting.  I call this grace.

Fast forward, and trust has held me through it all – after the death of my fiancé in college, traveling through Asia, giving birth to three daughters (two of them at home), a divorce at age 30, being a single mom, buying a house, running my business and most recently, becoming a grandmother.

But it was somewhere after my divorce that I started to realize: I was always looking for love, but making the same painful mistakes over and over and over. 

I felt stuck most of the time.  Why couldn’t I create the intimate partnership I wanted?   


I knew something needed to shift on a fundamental level.   I knew I needed more than just grace.


I began to expand my abilities to transform emotion into insight through somatic practice and a great amount of self - compassion. 

Layer by layer, I felt into parts of myself that were unconsciously running the show - the rejected, the victim; how they grasped for love and then blamed others for not getting it. 

Yet, it wasn’t til much later, that I suddenly saw how I kept choosing partners out of these patterns, not listening to the voice inside that said “not quite right.”


It was then and there that I took a vow of self-responsibility.


To only choose who and what was truly in alignment with me.  I felt free. 

I finally saw my true worth.  I stopped looking for love, but felt the eternal embrace of Love all around me.

Two weeks later I met my beloved, Thomas.  Eyes wide open and connected to my truth.  There are no coincidences, only conscious choices. 


In my work…

I am here to nurture your highest potential through love, always through love.

I invite you to slow down.

To listen and trust more.

I invite you to go beneath whatever it is that you think you know, to discover the truth. 

To look at the symptoms you experience as a messenger of something much, much bigger.

To identify what you really want and make empowered choices even if it rocks the boat.   

To be real about what you’re not being real about.

To commit to self-responsibility.

To experience the goodness of your existence.

To grow beyond your limits and know yourself as limitless potential.

To feel your connection to all that is.

And to stay fully present even when it hurts.


Are you ready?