Temple Of Embodied Connection:

An Immersive Workshop to Learn and Practice Intimacy Skills

Sunday, July 7th | 10 am - 2 pm

Relationships can feel heavy, sticky and impossible.

And we want to change that.

We offer a unique and practical approach that protects your physical and emotional well-being, while giving permission to playfully explore and experiment with the skills needed to:

Navigate conflict

Express needs and desires

Attract a partner

And experience fulfilling intimacy

Conflicts can take on a life of their own and dominate the relationship. Or the demands of life cause our intimate relationships to be business arrangements. 

Some have experienced the chaos from previous relationships betrayals, mismatch of values and intentions, lack of skills by one or both and have been cautious about opening up again.   

The impact? Growth stagnates, attraction fades, business takes over as the normal way of the relating - appointments, to do lists, reminders… and so the story goes.  This is your life.

Is there more? How can I get a spark back, feel turned on about my life, my partner or a future partner?

There are books to read, courses to take,  podcasts to listen to.  Sometimes there is useful information, however, the information is just that, information. 

What is needed is:

an environment that values relating as an action - a human experience - not just intellectual understanding

embodied awareness that facilitates communication clearly and cleanly between people

a space that gives permission and encourages practices that awaken the spark of aliveness

This is for you if:

You want to give yourself permission to have the sex, love, connection you’ve always wanter to have

You want to feel more

You want to grow with your partner

You want to feel confident attracting the right partner into your life

You want to be skilled building more passion & sexual attraction

You want to learn in nurturing and warm environment

?You want a unique and novel experience

You want to feel unlocked around navigating upsets and conflicts

You want to feel more confident, skilled and alive

You want to feel more confident creating relationships that feel alive, authentic and playful

*Please note: Sexual touch and nudity are not part of this program.

Your facilitators, Amanda Wattie and Tom Wooding

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